When we travel to visit a strange city, We do not know anything about that city. It is very dififcult to find location which we want to visit. Suppose I want to find SBI ATM, then it is a big problem how to find an ATM in such big city. So, we ask people how far the ATM from here, but this is also big problem because we do not know whether the person in front knows where the ATM or not. May be unknowingly he can also us the wrong path. But now there is no need to do all these.
Thanks to the Google Maps. Because with the help of google map We can find places eazily which we want to visit.
Open google maps in your mobile or phone (if you are using Laptop or Desktop please visit maps.google.com) and type querry sbi atm near me.
Google maps will show all sbi atm near from your current location. Make sure your current location is on. Also you can try with Google Assistant. Just say “OK Google” to activate the assistant, then say “Show sbi atm near me” then google will show all nearest atm from your location.
Don’t worry if your location is unavailable in your mobile phone, just type your adress instead of near me. In that perticular case your querry must be different like ” Show sbi atm near pune railway station OR Show sbi atm near ellora caves”
Thank You!!
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