QR Code Generator
Using above QR Code Generator tool, you can can generate qr code of text or URL withought installing third party app. Don’t worry, you don’t any speciall skills to generate qr code. Just follow below steps.
How do I generate QR code of URL?
Firstly, Go to the above tool.
Paste copied url into the above input field and click on “Generate QR Code” button.
Then, QR code will be generate. You can download generated QR code in PNG format.
How do I generate QR code of text?
Go to the above tool and Type any text like navneet.
Then, click on “Generate QR Code” button.
Then, QR code will be generate. You can download generated qr code by clicking on “download qr code” button.
Eazy to use, you don’t need any special skills.
No need to install app or software.
Free to use.