Advanced Percentage Calculator
What is X% of Y?
Percentage Increase/Decrease
Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers
Using above Percentage Calculator, You can calculate what is X% of Y, What is percentage increase/Decrease and percentage difference between two number. For this you don't need to have mathematical knowledge. Just put value and calculate. For more details follow below information.
How do I calculate X% of Y?
Suppose I want to calculate 30% of 100.
Firstly, Go to the X% of Y calculator. In the first column Enter Percentage Ex 30%, In the second column Enter Number Ex 100, After clicing on "Calculate" button, result will be 30.
The Formula is : Result = ( X / 100) * Y
How do I calculate Percentage Increase/ Decrease?
Go to the above "Percentage Increase/Decrease" tool.
In the first column "Enter Original Value" and in second column "Enter New Value".
Click on "Calculate" button to calculate percentage increase or decrease.
The formula is : Percentage Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / (Old Value) * 100
How do I calculate percentage difference between two numbers?
Go to the above tool, In first column "Enter First Number" and in second column "Enter Second Number" .
Then, click on 'Calculate" Button.
Result will be declaired in the form of percentage difference between two numbers.
Eazy to use for even those who dont understand mathematics.
No Need to install software.
Free to Use.